Saturday, May 14, 2011

to have and to hold.......

Untitled, originally uploaded by rahpunzil.

Untitled, originally uploaded by rahpunzil.

i was on my way to vonyas wedding when my phone rings. its my sister. as im getting onto the freeway to get across town. i mean WAY across town, its 430 and the wedding was going to start at 5. i knew what she was going to tell me before i even answered the phone. her water broke. yes, the baby was coming. i told her i would be to the hospital asap. i went to the wedding, took all the ceremony, bridal and family pictures, and a handful of amazing candid photos. we giggled the whole time! a wedding and my new nephew?!! so much happy crammed into such a tiny amount of time. i finished the wedding photographs, and miraculously made it to the hospital in plenty of time. so... congratulations sweet friend! im so happy i talked you into wanting pictures of your wedding!! happiest wishes to you and your jesse. <3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to have sideburns like that... turned out I was a werewolf in disguise.