Thursday, May 19, 2011


Untitled, originally uploaded by rahpunzil.

this was taken with my phone. but, i just had to post one. the rest are coming. soon, i swear.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

to have and to hold.......

Untitled, originally uploaded by rahpunzil.

Untitled, originally uploaded by rahpunzil.

i was on my way to vonyas wedding when my phone rings. its my sister. as im getting onto the freeway to get across town. i mean WAY across town, its 430 and the wedding was going to start at 5. i knew what she was going to tell me before i even answered the phone. her water broke. yes, the baby was coming. i told her i would be to the hospital asap. i went to the wedding, took all the ceremony, bridal and family pictures, and a handful of amazing candid photos. we giggled the whole time! a wedding and my new nephew?!! so much happy crammed into such a tiny amount of time. i finished the wedding photographs, and miraculously made it to the hospital in plenty of time. so... congratulations sweet friend! im so happy i talked you into wanting pictures of your wedding!! happiest wishes to you and your jesse. <3

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Untitled, originally uploaded by rahpunzil.

sad little domo is missing an eye. not in this picture, but soon after this was taken. im determined to fix it, once i find a suitable replacement. im guessing the original eye little domo came with is keeping memphis's puppy chow company at the bottom of her belly.